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Tuesday 31 January 2023
09:50 am


I was so excited to start this 2023 with a bang when everything fell apart on me... and it was only January 3rd :')

Quick rewind: December 31st, end of the year, I take stock of 2022 and among the various reflections I tell myself that I want to approach 2023 with a completely different spirit: more focused, more organized and more determined, ready to obtain some more satisfaction compared to the year just ended.

For this reason, when I returned to the office on January 2nd I felt prepared for anything except facing new problems that I had not imagined would come my way so soon.

Problems for me, new scenarios for others:

Sara and Vittoria, respectively e-commerce manager and social media manager, have decided to undertake a new career path with their respective families and to leave our team to go and contribute to the construction of their own, and for this they have my complete support and respect.

But for a moment the ground disappeared from under my feet. In a month's time - in full swing and in a whirlwind of things to do, organize, improve and plan - we found ourselves having to reimagine everything, forming a new team, which would allow us to continue to do, organize, improve and plan everything we had already established - possibly even better.

After a completely sleepless night mulling over everything I finally came to a conclusion:

I expected the year to start off on a downhill slope, never mind.

Here comes a new difficulty.

But since I want to overcome it, and I know it can be done, that's fine.

Life is truly full of obstacles and the more I grow the more I understand and accept it.

Taking it philosophically means interpreting this "difficulty" as a chance to create a new, fresh team, capable of reaping as soon as possible the precious fruits brought by the old one and continuing to help us grow and do better what we love so much: our work.

For a moment I asked myself “why me?” But when I started to really think about it I said to myself “try me” .

And since I started thinking that I was up to this new challenge my perspective has changed completely :)

I am happy that the journey with the girls ends well and with great affection and I am excited for the team that we are building in the office: 4 new girls are ready to give their contribution to build a future that allows us to always continue to dream big.

.... but we'll talk about this next month ;)

In short, I expected a different January, but a year that starts with a bang will certainly be interesting to experience.

And I'm here for that :)

Dear Sara and Vittoria, if you are reading this, thank you for the precious contribution you have given to our company - and to our family - over the years.

Every brick of this house carries with it the memory and history of the people who placed it there and will remain with us forever.

With much love,




We are here for you :)

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